How team building events supports creative problem solving in businesses

There’s nothing that resonates more with people who are facing new challenges at work then the feeling of being “stuck” in the process of idea creation. You’re faced with issues that traditional brainstorming and problem-solving methods can’t solve and you’re not the only one - creative people weren’t born with creative ideas and they don’t suddenly appear in people’s minds. Rather, they are the result of the creative problem solving (CPS) process and it involves breaking down a problem to understand it, generating innovative ideas to solve the problem and evaluating and testing those ideas to find the most effective solutions.

Businesses may hold brainstorming sessions for different reasons when they have to come up with new product ideas or find solutions to certain problems. What they want to achieve from it is always an imaginative, innovative, and unconventional way to approach a problem, face a new challenge and so on. Where traditional brainstorming methods may fail, team building events can succeed as they foster communication and teamwork between employees in an informal setting. It can sometimes be daunting and frighting having to display ideas or working on a new project with teams you’ve never had a word with, this why ice-breaking events that have a focus on problem-solving are a great way to engage and motivate teams towards a specific goal or challenge.  

The Big Smoke has been working with companies from the most varied sectors (from Danone to Lloyds) to create events built around creative problem solving and has successfully enhanced businesses’ team bonding and ability to think quickly in an unconventional way when faced with challenges. We tailor our Scavenger Hunts to the company we work with leaving the participants with transferable skills they can easily adapt to a work setting. Creative content creation, solving riddles and answering cryptic clues can unconsciously develop innovative thinking and bolster original thought processes.  

Team building events encourage teams to find new, creative ways of thinking that can help businesses overcome the issue or come up with original ideas at hand more quickly as it promotes communication within teams and bolsters a type of synergy within employees that might be hard to achieve in a corporate environment. They are a great way to charge the team, keep them engaged and motivated when faced with new goals or challenges and helps their creative thought process by disengaging with inhibition that people often impedes it. 




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