Whilst the lure of remote working is exciting for many, its novelty can subside over time. Deadlines and Zoom meetings aren't hugely motivating and can’t replace the social interaction of a face-to-face..

Keeping company culture alive and engaged, is imperative to keep employees engaged with each other in non-work-related settings. One of the best ways to do this is by investing in efficient team building activities, boosting employee’s morale and enhancing their productivity. 

In response to the global shift to remote work caused by COVID, there has been a nearly 2500% increase in interest in online and virtual team building activities during quarantine.

Team building activities have gained a bad rap. People are (rightly) tired of sitting in conference rooms playing awkward icebreaker games or being forced to do a trust fall on their co-workers. The truth is activities that purely aim to impart leadership lessons are less powerful than fun, relaxed away days activities. 

Team building events can also be adventurous and enjoyable - a great way to get to know everyone and build on each other’s skills. Companies and businesses who have at heart their employees wellbeing have to make up for the lack of social interactions that usually happened in an office environment with virtual events aimed at strengthening and building relationships and connections within remote teams. 

Despite its reputation for being a “lousy deal” team building is the most important investment you can make for your company. It mitigates conflict, builds trust, encourages communication, and increases collaboration. Effective team building means more engaged and motivated employees, which will positively impact the company culture and boost their morales. 

A 2009 study led by Frank Siebdrat found that virtual teams had the potential to be more efficient than in-person teams given they receive the right support, communication, and online team building. Since teams that now work remotely need to stay high performing, despite having to work under new circumstances, Siebdrat’s findings also reinforces the importance of team building events in maintaining and enhancing productivity in the virtual workplace. Luckily many event companies have adapted their products to be remote-friendly, making team building accessible and ready for everyone working from home. 

When the pandemic hit, businesses and individuals alike turned to video conferencing software to connect, host meetings, and stay sane. The events industry adopted this same focus by pivoting their attention to virtual events to keep the industry afloat. Event businesses are working on highly engaging, interactive and bespoke shared experiences to attract and retain a new wave of internet savvy public who’s always on the lookout for unusual, exciting products to implement in their team building experiences. 


